Crime Drama Thriller Hulu Mystery


A thriller about a newly promoted homicide detective, Shepard, getting assigned her first case. Shepard realizes she knows the person that has been murdered because she had sexual intercourse with him. Days later another body is found and again she had relations with him. While this is happening she is having moments of unconsciousness where she begins to doubt herself. Could she be killing her ex flames and not even know it? Shepard has several issues she’s trying to get through and they all seem to be coming to a head at the same time. How will she manage? I enjoyed the fact that this movie kept me on my toes. Sheps’ character is great because she’s not perfect and doesn’t pretend to be. I will always enjoy a film that I did not try to predict the ending. I let it take me for a ride.

Found on Hulu 3.5/5

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