Biography Crime Drama History Netflix

When They See Us

This is a powerful viewing experience of a true story directed by Ava DuVernay. This four part series is about the Central Park 5, Yusef Salaam, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson and Korey Wise. These five young boys confessed to a crime, rape, that they did not commit because the NYPD coerced the boys. The audience is seeing the cruel injustice and how the DA just wanted someone to be charged/sentenced. We are introduced to each person and a little bit about their life before that unfortunate incident occurred. We are seeing the events that happened while they were detained, how the police treated them, the trial and how being incarcerated has effected not only them but their family. We see Korey Wise’s life while he was incarcerated in episode 4. All four parts are difficult to watch but I feel as though it is a must see. Watching When They See Us is exhausting, upsetting, frustrating and heart breaking. I cried in just about every episode because it is the story of Yusef, Antron, Ray, Kevin and Korey who were boys at the time and how it forever effected their life. Each actor in this viewing experience gave it their all. Each moment was powerful and purposeful. This mini series sparks a conversation that we as a society should be having. The way these kids were treated in 1989 is horrific and we know there has been some progress yet we know we have a long way to. Please view this and hear the story of the Exonerated 5.

Found on Netflix. 5/5 – Pictured below are the Exonerated 5. Left to Right Kevin, Antron, Raymond, Korey and Yusef

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